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‘BOYU SPORTS’上海科学家研发防水耐火纸 有助纸质文物保存

更新时间  2024-10-20 18:28 阅读
本文摘要:In January 2015, a fire in one of Russias largest university libraries damaged more than 1 million historical documents, an incident which some media described as a cultural Chernobyl.2015年1月,俄罗斯仅次于的大学图书馆之一再次发生了火灾,损毁了100多万本历史文献,一些媒体将这一事件叙述为“文化切尔诺贝利”。

In January 2015, a fire in one of Russias largest university libraries damaged more than 1 million historical documents, an incident which some media described as a cultural Chernobyl.2015年1月,俄罗斯仅次于的大学图书馆之一再次发生了火灾,损毁了100多万本历史文献,一些媒体将这一事件叙述为“文化切尔诺贝利”。Important documents of our age can probably avoid the same fate in the future thanks to a new fire-resistant paper developed by a team of scientists at the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.我们这个时代的重要文献在将来有可能需要防止某种程度的命运,因为中科院上海陶瓷研究所一队科学家发明者了一种新型耐火纸。

Zhu Yingjie, a researcher from the institute, and his team developed a set of methods to produce paper with a new material, hydroxyapatite, the inorganic constituent of tooth enamel and bone.该研究所的研究员朱英杰和其团队顺利研发出有了一套方法,用一种名为羟基磷灰石的新材料来纺织,羟基磷灰石是牙釉质和骨的无机成分。The inorganic material is both fire resistant and water resistant.这种无机材料既耐火又透气。

Traditionally, paper is made of plant fibers, which are easily destroyed by liquid. Previous research attempts to produce waterproof paper found it was difficult to achieve fire retardancy and water repellency at the same time, Zhu said.朱英杰说:“传统上,纸是由植物纤维做成的,很更容易被液体毁坏。在以往企图研究生产防水纸的过程中,人们找到很难同时构建透气和耐火。”In 2013, a doctorate student of Zhu was preparing hydroxyapatite nanowires. While he wanted to filter out the water and continue the experiment, he found that instead of getting hydroxyapatite powder on the filter paper, a film formed on the paper.2013年,朱英杰一名博士学生在打算羟基磷灰石奈米线。

当他想要过滤器丢弃水之后试验的时候,他找到回到过滤纸上的不是羟基磷灰石粉末,而是构成了一张薄膜。The discovery inspired Zhu. He conducted more experiments to improve the materials physical properties.这一找到灵感了朱英杰。他展开了更加多的实验来提高这一材料的物理性能。

Traditional papermaking damages natural woods and damages the environment. Hydroxyapatite nanowires are an ideal building material for paper, Zhu said.朱英杰说:“传统纺织方法不会伤害天然木材、毁坏自然环境。羟基磷灰石奈米线是一种理想的纺织材料。

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