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更新时间  2024-10-11 18:28 阅读
本文摘要:Sony is set to push aggressively into mobile gaming, having watched from the sidelines as its console rival Nintendo enjoyed meteoric success with the Pokémon Go augmented reality (AR) game.在亲眼目睹游戏机方面的竞争对手任天堂(Nintendo)享用《口袋妖怪GO》(Pokémon GO,又译为精灵宝可梦GO)这款增强现实(AR)游戏带给的难以置信顺利后,索尼(Sony)计划大力前进手机游戏。

Sony is set to push aggressively into mobile gaming, having watched from the sidelines as its console rival Nintendo enjoyed meteoric success with the Pokémon Go augmented reality (AR) game.在亲眼目睹游戏机方面的竞争对手任天堂(Nintendo)享用《口袋妖怪GO》(Pokémon GO,又译为精灵宝可梦GO)这款增强现实(AR)游戏带给的难以置信顺利后,索尼(Sony)计划大力前进手机游戏。[Mobile gaming] is something we are aggressively getting into, Sony chief executive Kaz Hirai told the Financial Times at the IFA consumer electronics show in Berlin. It’s quite a shift from being just a console-based business to being on mobile phones as well, he said.(手机游戏)是我们大力进占的领域,索尼首席执行官平井一夫(Kazuo Hirai)在柏林国际电子消费品展览会(IFA)上向英国《金融时报》回应,从只注目游戏机业务到某种程度参予手机游戏业务,是一次根本性改变。

Pokémon Go is a real game-changer. 《口袋妖怪GO》确实转变了行业局势。I’m very interested in the fact that it has the potential to really change the way people move, literally.我对于它有可能转变人们的移动方式的情况十分感兴趣。AR, the feature that allows Pokémon Go to superimpose animated characters on to a smartphone screen showing the real world, is a great innovative idea that’s going to lift all boats for the video game industry, the Japanese boss said, adding that he would like to add AR capabilities to his company’s stable of games.平井一夫回应,AR是使得视频游戏行业的所有人获益的最出色创新。他补足称之为,他期望在索尼的游戏中重新加入AR功能。

该技术使得《口袋妖怪GO》在表明现实世界的手机屏幕上变换动画角色。Despite Nintendo’s surprise hit, the two Japanese console competitors have been slow to join the smartphone gaming party to date. 尽管任天堂造成了意想不到的震撼,但这两家日本游戏机竞争对手目前为止在重新加入智能手机游戏市场方面动作较慢。Sony and Nintendo own their platforms and want to retain control and make as much money as possible from them, says Steve Bailey, gaming analyst at IHS Markit. 索尼和任天堂都享有自己的平台,他们想要保持掌控地位,从平台上赚尽量多的钱。But the landscape has now changed considerably. IHS Markit的游戏行业分析师史蒂夫贝利(Steve Bailey)说道,但如今,市场状况已再次发生了相当大变化。

The threat from mobile is so big, they can no longer ignore it.来自手机游戏的威胁过于大,他们很久无法回应视而不见。Nintendo launched its first-ever mobile app, Miitomo, in March this year, while Sony has had a chequered history in the market. 今年3月,任天堂发售了公司历史上第一款移动应用于Miitomo,而索尼在这一市场仍然不很顺利。

There have been several failed initiatives to port PlayStation games to handheld consoles and its Xperia smartphones.索尼曾经尝试把PlayStation游戏重制到携带型游戏机和它的Xperia智能手机上,但都以告终收场。

本文关键词:BOYU SPORTS,博鱼·体育,博鱼·体育(中国)官方入口

本文来源:BOYU SPORTS-www.9street.net